Showing posts with label Breakfast with Bethany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breakfast with Bethany. Show all posts

10 December 2010

Roasted Red Pepper, Sausage, & Asparagus Egg Bake

Holy cow!  It's December?  The 10th, you say?  How did that happen?  I don't know.  What I do know, however, is that nothing beats an egg bake for breakfast.  (Except, perhaps, for these.)  So, in honor of December whizzing by (or maybe just because I like eggs...), here is:

Roasted Red Pepper, Sausage, & Asparagus Egg Bake

Enough slices of baguette or crusty french bread to line the bottom of a casserole dish (about 6)
1 lb. ground sweet Italian sausage
1/2 bunch of slim asaparagus stalks, trimmed and cut into 1 - 1 1/2" pieces
1 1/2 c. grated Italian blend cheeses (parmesan, pecorino romano, fontina...)
3/4 c. diced and drained roasted red peppers (from 12 oz. jar)
6 large eggs
1 c. half and half
1 c. milk
salt and pepper

1) Place baguette slices in bottom of greased casserole.

2) Heat skillet over medium-high heat, add sausage.  Saute until cooked through, about 7 minutes.  Meanwhile, parboil asparagus, about 3 min.

3) In a medium bowl, combine asparagus, sausage, 1 c. cheese, and peppers.  Spread sausage mixture on top of the baguette slices.

4) Whisk eggs in a medium bowl.  Whisk in half and half, milk, and salt & pepper.  Pour over sausage mixture.  Sprinkle remaining 1/2 c. cheese over the eggs.

5) Refrigerate overnight or bake immediately at 425 for 50-55 minutes.


**We enjoyed our egg bake with leftover mashed potato patties.  (Whisk one egg into leftover mashed potatoes.  Season with garlic, rosemary, sage, salt & pepper.  Form into patties and fry in melted butter over medium high heat.  Let cook completely on the bottom before attempting to flip them.  Flip back and forth a few times to heat completely.  Amazingly delicious for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.)

19 October 2010

Donut Muffins

I woke up this morning with only two things on my mind: my blog and a warm donut muffin.  Donut muffin? you ask.  It's a delightful little concoction that I have read about on this fabulous blog.  I woke up this morning needing one.  Or 12.  They are baking in the oven now.  I will post pictures once I have had my donut muffin fix.  I can't stop saying it: donut muffin, donut muffin, donut muffin, donutmuffin, donutmuffin, donutmuffin, donutmuffindonutmuffindfosdpodgmufisdfiug....

I promise not to wait quite so long before my next post.  Readers, it is fair to say that I am back!

12 August 2010

Butterscotch Rolls

Coming off of a birthday high over here. Holy crazy cow! Birthdays = delicious food(s). I've said it before and I'll say it again: I've never had a BAD birthday dinner.  As you may have seen in yesterday's post, yesterday was my husband's birthday.  We had these for breakfast:
 and turkey burgers and sweet potato fries with home-made aioli for dinner.

Today = the start of my non-birthday food diet. 


1 c. chopped nuts of your choice
(I like hazelnuts, but pecans or walnuts would do equally well)
8-12 quality frozen bread rolls
1 pkg. non-instant butterscotch pudding
1 stick margarine, melted
1/2 c. brown sugar

1) Sprinkle nuts on the bottom of your pan.  Place frozen rolls on top of the nuts.

2) Sprinkle dry pudding on top of rolls.  Melt your margarine in a small bowl and whisk in brown sugar to create a thick sauce.  Pour sauce over the pudding mix.

3) Cover with a clean dish towel and leave on your counter overnight.  In the morning, preheat your oven to 350°F and then bake for 25 minutes.  Or until they look like this:

4) It will be hard to do, but you must let them cool for about 5 minutes.  Then invert them on to a serving tray.

5) Break apart. Eat. Then have seconds.


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